Thursday, February 5, 2015

Switzer Performance P700 released BMW M5

Recently, the American tuner Switzer Performance P700 from the released called cash-based BMW M5 retrofit projects. The kit includes a new tail exhaust, high-flow air filter, and a remote control to control engine output control unit .4.4 liter biturbo V8 from the original 418 kW (560 hp) and 680 Nm level raised to 522 kW (700 hp) and 868 Nm new level.Peugeot 206 Turbocharger kit entire price of $ 6995 (€ 5360), also includes Switzer own wheels and nano carbon fiber brakes and so on.
Land Rover Series Aurora refit upgrade CEC wheels
Speaking of the Land Rover family, the first impression many of us it may be tough masculine, men Fan children, but if we take a look at the Land Rover family, in which we will be a "non-mainstream" discovery models - Land Rover Aurora . As a very similar with the LRX concept car models, sleek lines, charming headlights, plus a variety of colors to choose from,Peugeot 207 Turbocharger so Land Rover Aurora became a fully-fledged avant-garde fashion models. If the original Aurora has counted more perfect, then, if it were some further upgrades, it will become how to do?
As a family, the most "skinny" guy, it does not like to go with the door predecessors as anger from the prestige of large displacement route, only with the advantages of a small body, in terms of flexibility to make a fuss, so long as the short open road, you will find this is a good control of the SUV. Here, we can not help but put the focus on the parts of the vehicle wheels, although the original wheel hub is sufficient to meet almost all cases, however, the pursuit of perfection in front of the owners, it seems that there is so little not to force, then we the owners will figure out what kind of modification options? The protagonist of this issue is the same for the surgeon has a distinctive personality and aesthetic interpretation of Beijing Dike Sa Trading Limited. Beijing Dike Sa Trade Co., Ltd. is a worldwide has more than 30 years of experience in the team car modification industry, in 2008 the establishment of China operations center in Beijing. Based on many years of experience in the world of brand management and sales professionals, and Beijing Dike Sa Ltd. focuses on brand management, import, wholesale, and sales of car modification related products. ACE USA is the main agent of the hub in domestic sales and marketing, in addition to agents of the US CEC wheels, rims US Dike Sa, VOGTLAND performance suspension kit Germany, Germany JE-DESIGN converted boutique, Japan Aike Rui exhaust and other famous international brands modification supplies.

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